Front Page: Ajokortti-info
Front Page: Ajokortti-info

All driving licences issued in states recognised by Finland are valid for driving in mainland in Finland. However, the foreign driving licence is not valid for driving in Finland, if the holder was permanently living in Finland when the licence was issued.

A driving licences issued in EU or EEA Member State

A driving licence issued in an EU or EEA Member State is valid in Finland for driving all categories marked on your licence within the period of its validity regardless of whether you are visiting Finland as a tourist or living here permanently. A temporary driving licence issued in the Nordic countries is also valid in Finland.

A driving licences issued in Contracting States

A driving licence issued in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan or a country that has ratified the Geneva or Vienna Road Traffic Convention (hereinafter "Contracting States") is valid in Finland when visiting as a tourist until the licence expires. It is also valid for two years after its holder moves permanently to Finland.

The information in the Contracting States driving licence must be written in a Latin alphapet or accompanied by a translation into Finnish, Swedish or English, by a reliable source or an international driving licence.

A driving licences issued in other nations recognised by Finland

Driving licences issued in other nation recognised by Finland is valid for driving categories A1, A2, A or B when visiting Finland as a tourist unless the licence has expired. Driving licence is also valid for one year starting the date licence holder is marked to population register, if it was not expired during that time.

The information in the foreign driving licence must be written in a Latin alphabet or accompanied by a translation into Finnish, Swedish or English by a reliable source. The driver must also fulfil the current age and health requirements in Finland.
