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Front Page: Ajokortti-info

You must receive a minimum amount of instruction in order to obtain a driving licence. The required amount of instruction depends on the licence category.

Below are the numbers of hours required for Group 1 driving licences, which include mopeds (AM/120), light quadricycles (AM/121), tractors (T), motorcycles (A1, A2, A) and passenger cars (B, BE).

The compulsory hour requirements are indicative rather than exact. Driving instruction is personalised, and a varying amount of practice is required depending on the person. For driving, practice makes perfect – the more you practice, the more confident and dependable a driver you will become.

For tractor (T), moped (AM/120) and light quadricycle (AM/121) driving licences there is no compulsory driving instruction, but it is recommended to take instruction in order to pass the examination. Driving instruction can be obtained in a driving school, for example.

The driving instruction varies depending on the licence category being applied for

  • For a motorcycle licence, you need at least 5 hours of driving instruction.
  • For a passenger car licence, you need at least 10 hours of driving instruction.
  • In practice, the amount of driving instruction required depends on the individual needs of the driving licence applicant and the level of knowledge and skill they have previously obtained. The quantity and content of instruction and driving practice can be adjusted flexibly in accordance with the learning needs such that the minimum amount matches the above-mentioned minimum hours. The more you receive guided practice before your driving test, the better you will be prepared for independent driving after receiving your licence.
  • You may receive driving instruction in a driving school or from an instructor with a driving instruction permit.

The training for candidates for first driving licences (EAS)

4 hour of theory lessons is compulsory for all who are applying for a driving licence for the first time.

  • The instruction includes 4 hours of theory training on the basic rules of traffic.
  • The purpose of this training is to provide the person applying for a driving licence with basic information about the road traffic system, vehicle interaction and risks, factors affecting the safety of different road user groups, responsibilities and obligations associated with driving motor vehicles, and other requirements for driving safely and with good situational awareness.
  • You can receive the instruction at a driving school or from any officially improved instructor. The instruction is provided, for example, by some upper secondary schools, colleges and vocational training schools.
  • Ask from your teacher a certificate for the instruction received. You will need this for the theory test and driving test.
  • If you attend driving instruction with a driving instruction permit, the training for candidates for first driving licences (EAS) must be completed before starting the driving instruction.

Risk training

Required only for those applying for a passenger car licence (category B)

  • The instruction includes 4 hours of theory and 4 hours of driving that relate to the recognition and management of safety risks on the road. The driving instruction can be partly provided using a simulator.
  • The training increases readiness for driving in difficult conditions and supports in other ways the acquisition of safe, responsible and law-abiding driving habits. In particular, the training strengthens the ability to recognise and avoid dangerous road situations and factors which may weaken the driver’s driving ability and thus increase the risk of accidents.
  • This instruction can be obtained from a driving school or from an officially approved trainer.

Please remember that as a driver you are responsible for both your own safety and also the safety of others on the road. Therefore make sure that you get enough practice.
