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Front Page: Ajokortti-info

When applying for a driving licence permit for your first Group 1 driving licence, you may, if the conditions are met, provide an assurance that you meet the health requirements for driving.

The opportunity to provide your own assurance of your state of health applies to all first Group 1 driving licences, which includes passenger cars, motorcycles, mopeds, light quadricycles and tractors. If you already have some other Group 1 driving licence, you do not need to give further assurance of your state of health when applying for another driving licence from the same group.

The assurance is provided on application form, where the applicant states that they fulfil the required health criteria. The applicant must also assure that their eyesight is sufficient and must notify, if this is the case, that they use glasses or contact lenses.

Before providing an assurance, you should carefully read the conditions. If one or more conditions are not met, you will need a medical certificate to accompany your application.

The assurance of a person applying for a first driving licence about the fitness to drive preconditions being met

A person applying for a Group 1 driving licence for the first time (AM/120, AM/121, A1, A2, A, T, B, BE) may provide their own assurance that they meet the health requirements for driving and have sufficiently good eyesight. 

In order to be granted a driving licence, your total visual acuity must be at least 0.5 and the field of vision must be wide enough. Your sight must be tested (by e.g. an optician, doctor or a health nurse) within twelve months prior to the application and any prescription for glasses/contact lenses must be checked.

You need to attach a medical certificate of your fitness to drive to the licence application if you have or have had one of the following diseases, disabilities or symptoms affecting your fitness to drive:

  • Progressive eye disease or visual impairment even with glasses/contact lenses
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease (e.g. arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, heart failure, severe hypertension, structural heart defect that impacts your performance)
  • Undiagnosed chest pain or undiagnosed breathlessness on exertion
  • Disorder of the cerebral circulation (e.g. brain infarction, cerebral haemorrhage or a TIA attack)
  • Sleep apnoea, difficulties to stay awake, long-term insomnia or unexplained fatigue
  • Mental disorder or illness (e.g. major depression, panic disorder or other recurring form of anxiety, self-destructive behaviour or previous suicide attempt, personality disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, any psychotic disease or state of psychosis)
  • Activity- and/or attention-related disorder (ADHD or ADD), impulsive behaviour or a disorder of emotion regulation
  • Even a mild intellectual disability
  • Significant learning difficulties or dyslexia
  • Asperger’s syndrome, autism or other autistic disorder
  • Neurological disease or disability (e.g. severe migraine, epilepsy, narcolepsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, brain tumour, attack of unconsciousness or disorder of consciousness, brain injury or spinal cord injury, even mild cerebral palsy)
  • Memory disorder, suspected or confirmed memory disease
  • Recurring dizziness that affects normal life
  • Heavy alcohol consumption or alcohol addiction
  • Use of narcotics
  • Regular or recurring use of medicine that can affect the central nervous system or reduce the ability to drive, i.e. controlled medications (e.g. sleeping pills, sedatives, strong analgesics, mental disorder medication)
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system or musculoskeletal disability that can affect the use of vehicle controls (e.g. decreased muscle strength in lower limbs or decreased joint mobility, limb differences, short stature)
  • Other severe disease (e.g. severe lung disease, severe liver or renal failure, cancer or previous organ transplantation, any disease that causes attacks)

If you have or have had any of the aforementioned diseases, disabilities or symptoms or you are unable to assure that your visual acuity is sufficient, please attach a separate medical certificate of your driving ability to your application.

The provision of false information may lead to the revocation of your driving licence permit (Administrative Procedure Act, section 50; Act on Driving Licences, section 10).
